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Event Integration
Event Integration
Updated over a week ago

How Does Attribute Work?

Attribute uses its own Google Analytics property with cross-domain tracking capabilities. This means that in its own account Attribute gathers data for Zenon.Org, NoM Bridge (or any other domains/ecosystem projects who integrate with Attribute) to be displayed publicly. With this cross-domain setup, Google Analytics sees all the domains as one major website.

Does Attribute Support Mobile/Desktop Apps?

The current setup instructions are for web-based products i.e. web-based interfaces, web apps or websites.

What’s the Benefit of an Ecosystem Cross-Domain Setup?

If a user visits Zenon.Org then to the NoM Bridge, bridges some wZNN tokens to native ZNN, then his entire journey will be tracked starting from Zenon.Org to the next domain. The ecosystem acts as a unified session. Google Analytics will also know the source of that visitor, whether it be organic or some outbound promotion by a HyperGrowth performance marketer.

Setting Up Attribute Google Analytics Tags

Add the Attribute Google Analytics tags to pages. Exclude these tags from firing on localhost and staging instances. Production instances are permitted.

Paste this code as high in the <head> of the page as possible:

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening <body> tag:

<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src=""
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

Setting Up Attribute Events

You can trigger every event of the google analytics by calling the gtag function that is created in the script tag:

(window as any).gtag('event', 'attribute' /* event actions which must be 'attribute' for all events */, {
send_to: googleMeasurement, //google measurment id
event_category: eventCategory, //event category you want to pass
event_label: eventLabel, //event label you want to pass
value: eventValue, //event numerical value you want to pass (optional)

Here’s an example of how an event would look:

swap_wznn_znn_success: { //your unique event id/name
eventAction: 'attribute', //must always be 'attribute' for all events
eventCategory: 'bridge_tokens', //event category you want to pass
eventLabel: 'swap_wznn_znn_success', //event label you want to pass
eventValue: $value, //if you want to pass any numerical value (optional)

Defining an Event

eventAction: must be set to attribute.

eventCategory: defines a description of where the event is being triggered.

eventLabel: defines the element selected which triggers the event.

eventValue: If the event has a numerical value that could be passed.

Attribute Activation Requirements

The Attribute team can be contacted via Twitter DM via its AttributeLink handle.

  1. The Attribute team will ask to review the integration/code to assure a proper integration. There could be no mistakes on the eventAction, it must be set to attribute for all events — and localhost and staging instances must be excluded (GA tags cannot fire).

  2. The project needs to provide a list of domains where the tags are installed. This must include subdomains if also included.

  3. The project must provide a full list of eventCategory and their groupings. The Attribute team will group/filter the various eventCategory on its performance dashboard to segregate events into different tables for easy browsing.

  4. The project must provide a list of all desktop/mobile pages that it wants to be promotable via attribute campaign links. See Zenon.Org pages. Attribute can provide a json file for devs to fill in.

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